A journal idea was conceived, awesome text was put together. A young girl created a logo to personalized this young women camp. Now, they needed a professional to put those elements together.
This YW Camp is an annual event where girls 12-18 yr. old are together to have fun and great adventures, but also to learn and improve themselves. Part of the purpose of this camp is to teach the girls to discover feelings and find ways to become a better daughter of God. The idea of having a journal and dedicate time to write on it, is to record all these new feelings and ideas as they come.

I tried to make something not only appealing, but fun and fresh, something that they will actually look forward to use, and have a good and enrichment moment with it.
Knowing that the leaders would reproduce this journal ahead of time on a regular copy machine, I was very careful on the page layout order. I wanted to make an easy experience for them: just 2 sided copies and flipping pages.
One of the challenges on this job was to make the regular and probably boring quotes, a little more attractive to be read; I drew tags and ripped notebook-paper pieces, pretending to be taped with washi tape; and I placed the quotes on them to improve the flow and the motivation on the reading. I also made and place little drawings -suggested by the leaders, as per the themes they would talk about- around the pages to encourage the girls to spend time coloring their own journal and make it more personal.